




王雷,男,1988年出生,河南洛阳人,湖南大学教授/博导,湖南大学岳麓学者,国家电能变换与控制工程技术研究中心青年骨干, IEEE PES APPEEC (2019) 出版主席,TENCON IEEE Region 10 Conference (2015)国际会议组委会成员、IEEEIET等国际期刊审稿专家,IEEE Member

邮箱:jordanwanglei@hnu.edu.cn; jordanwanglei@gmail.com;


20072011 澳门大学,电机及电脑工程,学士

20112012 香港科技大学,电子工程,硕士

20122017 澳门大学,电机及电脑工程,博士

20172019 澳门大学智慧物联网国家重点实验室,助理研究员

2019.2-2019.9 奥克兰大学电力电子实验室,访问研究员

2019.9-至今 湖南大学,电气与信息工程学院,教授


主要从事电能变换,信号处理和无线电能传输等领域的研究工作。提出的混合型变换器及控制技术有力支撑了先进轨道交通和新能源的大容量低成本应用。在国际著名出版社Springer出版学术著作1部,Elsevier出版合著著作1部。发表SCI论文19篇(一区Top期刊16篇),被多位IEEE Fellow的论文他引及正面评价。授权美国发明专利2项,受理国际和中国发明专利5项。作为核心人员参与多项澳门大学智慧物联网国家重点实验室及奥克兰大学电力电子实验室科研项目9项,其中包括与领域内两大龙头公司高通和WiTricity合作的无线电能传输项目。相关成果成功应用于高通、新疆库尔勒铁路和澳门自来水公司等中外企业。获得澳门研究生科技研发奖和施耐德能源效益杯冠军。





[1] Lei Wang, Chi-Seng Lam and Man-Chung Wong  “Adaptive Hybrid Active Power Filters”  (英文专著) Springer施普林格出版社,Print ISBN: 978-981-10-8826-1, Online ISBN: 978-981-10-8827-8. 2019

[2] Wong Man-Chung, Lam Chi-Seng, Lei Wang, Choi Wei-Hei Smarter Solutions Based on Power Electronics(英文著作章节-第九章); Academic Press (美国学术出版社) , ISBN 978-0-08-102592-5, pp. 247-288, 2019


[1] Lei Wang(#), Chi-Seng Lam(*) and Man-Chung Wong, A Hybrid-STATCOM with wide compensation range and low DC-link voltage” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 63, no. 6, pp. 3333-3343, Jun. 2016. (SCI 顶级期刊)

[2] Lei Wang(#), Chi-Seng Lam(*) and Man-Chung Wong, “Modeling and parameter design of thyristor-controlled LC-coupled hybrid active power filter (TCLC-HAPF) for unbalanced compensation” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 1827-1840, March 2017. (SCI 顶级期刊)

[3] Lei Wang(#), Chi-Seng Lam(*) and Man-Chung Wong, “Unbalanced control strategy for a thyristor-controlled LC-coupling hybrid active power filter in three-phase three-wire systems” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 1056-1069, Feb. 2017. (SCI 顶级期刊)

[4] Lei Wang(#), Chi-Seng Lam(*) and Man-Chung Wong, “Selective compensation of distortion, unbalanced and reactive power of a thyristor-controlled LC-coupling hybrid active power filter (TCLC-HAPF)” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 12, pp. 9065-9077, Dec. 2017. (SCI 顶级期刊)

[5] Lei Wang(#), Chi-Seng Lam(*) and Man-Chung Wong, "Analysis, control and design of hybrid grid-connected inverter for renewable energy generation with power quality conditioning" IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 6755-6768, Aug. 2018. (SCI 顶级期刊)

[6]Lei Wang(#), Chi-Seng Lam(*) and Man-Chung Wong, “Hybrid structure of static var compensator and hybrid active power filter (SVC//HAPF) for medium-voltage heavy loads compensationIEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 65, no. 6, pp. 4432-4442, June 2018. (SCI 顶级期刊)

[7] Lei Wang(#), Chi-Seng Lam(*) and Man-Chung Wong, Minimizing inverter capacity design and comparative performance evaluation of SVC-coupling hybrid active power filters” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 1227-1242, Feb. 2019. (SCI 顶级期刊)

[8] Lei Wang(#) Chi-Seng Lam(*) and Man-Chung Wong, “Multifunctional hybrid structure of SVC and capacitive grid-connected inverter (SVC//CGCI) for active power injection and nonactive power compensation” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 66, no. 3, pp. 1660-1670, Mar. 2019. (SCI 顶级期刊)

[9] Lei Wang(#), Chi-Seng Lam(*) and Man-Chung Wong, “Design of a thyristor controlled LC compensator for dynamic reactive power compensation in smart grid” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 409-417, Jan. 2017. (SCI 顶级期刊)

[10] Lei Wang(#)(*), Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, Ning-Yi Dai et al. “Non-linear adaptive hysteresis band pulse-width modulation control for hybrid active power filters to reduce switching loss” IET Power Electronics, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 2156-2167, Nov. 2015.

[11] Chi-Seng Lam(#) (*); Lei Wang; Sut-Ian Ho and Man-Chung Wong; Adaptive thyristor-controlled LC-hybrid active power filter for reactive power and current harmonics compensation with switching loss reduction IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 10, pp. 7577-7590, Oct. 2017. (SCI 顶级期刊)

[12] Keng-Weng Lao(#) (*); Man-Chung Wong; Ning-Yi Dai; Chi-Seng, Lam; Lei Wang and Chi-Kong Wong; Analysis of the Effects of Operation Voltage Range in Flexible DC Control on Railway HPQC Compensation Capability in High-Speed Co-phase Railway Power IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 1760-1774, Feb. 2018. (SCI 顶级期刊)

[13] Keng-Weng Lao(#)(*); Man-Chung Wong; Ning-Yi Dai; Chi-Seng, Lam; Chi-Kong Wong; Lei Wang “Analysis in the effect of co-phase traction railway HPQC coupled impedance on its compensation capability and impedance-mapping design technique based on required compensation capability for reduction in operation voltage” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 2631-2646, Apr. 2017. (SCI 顶级期刊)

[14] Junkun Zhang(#); Zhixing He(*); An Luo; Yang Liu; Guozhen Hu; Xue Feng; Lei Wang., "Total harmonic distortion and output current optimization method of inductive power transfer system for power loss reduction" IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 4724-4736, 2020.

[15] Lei Wang(#) (*), U. K. Madawala and Man-Chung Wong; "A Wireless Vehicle to Grid to Home Power Interface with an Adaptive DC Link," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, early access. doi: 10.1109/JESTPE.2020.2992776. (SCI 顶级期刊)

[16] Chi Shing Wong(#) (*); Yiu-Pang Chan; Lingling Cao; Lei Wang; Ka-Hong Loo and Man-Chung Wong.,A single-stage dynamically-compensated IPT converter with unity-power-factor and constant-output-voltage under varying coupling condition” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, early access. doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2978532  (SCI 顶级期刊)

[17] Zeng Xiang(#); Ying Pang; Lei Wang(*); Chi-Kong Wong; Chi-Seng Lam; Man-Chung Wong., “Design, control and comparative analysis of an LCLC coupling hybrid active power filter” IET Power Electronics, early access. doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2019.0910

[17] Lei Wang, U. K. Madawala and Man-Chung Wong;, "A Wireless Vehicle to Grid to Home Power Interface with an Adaptive DC Link," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, doi: 10.1109/JESTPE.2020.2992776. [SCI, EI] (SCI 顶级期刊)

[18] Yifeng Liu, Xiaoping Zhou, Yandong Chen, Leming Zhou, Lei Wang, and Wuwen Hua, "Sequence Impedance Modeling and Stability Analysis for Load Converters with Inertial Support," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2020.2995804. (SCI 顶级期刊)

[19] Lei Wang, Xiaofan Fu and Manchung Wong, "Operation and Control of a Hybrid Coupled Interlinking Converter for Hybrid AC/LVDC Microgrids," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2020.3001802. (SCI 顶级期刊)



1. Lei Wang, Man-Chung Wong and Chi-Seng Lam, Design of A Thyristor Controlled LC Filter for Dynamic Reactive Power Compensation2018-5-1美国US9,960599

2. Man-Chung Wong, Chi-Seng Lam, Lei Wang, A Hybrid-STATCOM with Wide Compensation Range and Low DC-Link Voltage2018-6-19美国US10,003,195 B1

3. Udaya K. Madawala, Lei Wang, “A Versatile Wireless Vehicle-Grid-Home Power Interface (VW-VGH-PI)” 美国申请号756443 日期: 2019-8-16


[1] 王雷; 黄民聪; 庞营“一种无线电能路由器及其控制方法” 申请号:2019111961043

[2] 王雷; 张浚坤; 何志兴 “一种水下无人潜航器无线电能传输系统及控制方法” 申请号: 2020100997523

[3] 黄民聪; 林智声; 王雷 配有电能质量补偿的混合型并网发电逆变器系统申请号“201710980413.4

[4] 姚鹏;朱志伟;王博巍; 王雷等,“一种铁路净化电源装置的弱化母线涌流的控制方法” 申请号 201911172511.0


“自适应混合滤波器 Adaptive Hybrid Active Power Filters”,德国施耐德电气,2011

“澳门研究生科技研发奖”,澳门科学技术发展基金, 2018


1. 项目名称:Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) Technology ( 负责三个子项目)

高通-WiTricity-奥克兰大学合作项目 2015-2019

2. 项目名称:Industrial Platforms of Adaptive Hybrid Active Power Filters and their Application Problems(参与 2/4

澳门大学研究委员会(2018 –2020)

3. 项目名称: Low DC-link Voltage and Wide Operation Range Hybrid Grid-Connected Inverter (HGCI) for Integrating Renewable Energy Generation and Power Quality Conditioning(参与 2/9

澳门大学研究委员会(2017 –2020)

4. 项目名称:Practical Implementation and Application of an invented Patent---a Capacitive Coupling Power Compensator (参与 2/8

澳门大学研究委员会(2012 –2018)

5. 项目名称: Adaptive Hybrid Active Power Filters(参与 2/8

澳门科学技术发展基金(2014 –2016)

6. 项目名称: Research on Hybrid Converters for renewable Energy Generation Units connected to Power Grid(参与 2/7

澳门大学研究委员会(2015 –2017)




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