
1120日出生于湖南省浏阳。本科毕业后,获德意志学术交流中心的奖学金(DAAD)前往德国Siegen大学物理系攻读研究生,然后前往荷兰Twente大学电子信息工程学系半导体器件组攻读博士,毕业后在美国国家标准局(National Institute of Standards and Technology)半导体所的CMOS 器件与可靠性组工作多年。
在欧美10多年, 积极参与从事先进互补型金属-氧化物-半导体(CMOS)集成电路器件与工艺方面的研究,器件可靠性电路测试,超快速电路的设计与测试。 在以下几方面取得了突出成果:1)非晶硅和铜铟镓硒薄膜太阳能电池集成到其它功能CMOS芯片上,利用太阳能电池对芯片不间断供电;2)利用眼图对纳米尺度上CMOS器件进行超快速的可靠性测量。
博士阶段的工作获得工作被荷兰5家全国性的超大纸质媒体和超过70家的国际网络媒体报道,已2次在国际电子器件领域最权威的国际会议IEEE International Electron Devices MeetingIEDM)(2010)和IEEE VLSI Symposia2014)上报告研究成果,以第一作者发表本领域内一级SCI论文多篇篇,其中包括:IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices 3篇。

联系电话:18890351969    E-mailjiwulu@hnu.edu.cn

2006.09 – 2011.06
荷兰特温特大学(Twente University) 电子工程博士
2002.09 – 2006.06
德国锡根大学(Siegen University) 物理硕士
1997.09 – 2001.06
浙江大学物理系 本科


2015-至今 湖南大学电气与信息工程学院副教授

2019-至今 博士生导师
美国国家技术与标准局 (NIST)客座研究员

2015-至今 任湖南省电工学会 委员

2011-至今 任IEEE电子器件协会 会员

国际电气电子工程师学会 (IEEE)会员

Advances in Condensed Matter Physics  客座编辑

Journal of Solid State Electronics 审稿人

Journal of Semiconductor Manufacturing 审稿人




1. 20072011,荷兰STW基金(等同于中国的“863”计划) 参与 

2. 2011-2014,美国国家标准与技术院重点研究项目,主持2项,参与1

3. 2015-2019,湖南大学青年教师成长计划项目,主持

4. 2015-2017,中芯国际“02”国家重大专项产学研子课题,主持

5. 2019-至今,梯次利用动力电池应用场景分析及再利用寿命和经济评估技术研究,主持


1. J. Liu, M. Shi, J. Lu*, and M. P. Anantram, "Analysis of electrical-field-dependent Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and magnetocrystalline anisotropy in a two-dimensional ferromagnetic monolayer," Physical Review B, vol. 97, p. 054416, 02/16/ 2018 

2. J. Liu, M. P. Anantram, X. Xu, and J. Lu, "Analysis of Sub-threshold Electron Transport Properties of Ultra-scaled Amorphous Phase Change Material Germanium Tellurid," in 2017 IEEE 12th International Conference on ASIC, Guiyang, 2017, p. Paper_ID 0919. 

3. J. B. Sun and J. W. Lu*, "Interface Engineering and Gate Dielectric Engineering for High Performance Ge MOSFETs," Advances in Condensed Matter Physics, p. 9, 2015. 

4. J. W. Lu#, G. F. JiaoE, J. P. Campbell, J. T. Ryan, K. P. Cheung, C. D. Young, Bersuker, G, Circuit speed timing jitter increase in random logic operation after NBTI stress, IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium, 2014, USAHawaii, 2014.06

5. PBTI-Induced Random Timing Jitter in Circuit-Speed Random Logic; IEEE Transaction on Electron Device; 2014 volume 61, issue 11pages 3613-3618 J. Lu, G. F. Jiao, C. Vaz, J.P. Campbell, J.T. Ryan, K. P. Cheung, G. Bersuker, C.D. Young; SCI 收录

6. Device-Level Experimental Observations of NBTI-Induced Random Timing Jitter, IEEE Transaction on Device and Materials Reliability; 2014, volume 14, issue 4, pages 972-977; J. Lu#, G. F. Jiao#, J.P. Campbell, J.T. Ryan, K. P. Cheung, C.D. Young G. Bersuker, #co-first author SCI收录

7. Device Level PBTI-induced Timing Jitter Increase in Circuit-Speed Random Logic; IEEE International VLSI Technology Symposium; 2014, June 9-12, USA, Honolulu, HI, USA J. Lu, C. Vaz, J.P. Campbell, J.T. Ryan, K. P. Cheung, G. F. Jiao, G. Bersuker, C.D. Young,EI收录,电子器件领域最好的两个国际会议之一

8. Circuit Speed Timing Jitter Increase in Random Logic Operation after NBTI Stress; IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium; 2014 June 1-5, Waikoloa, HI, USAJ. Lu#, G. F. Jiao#, J.P. Campbell, J.T. Ryan, K. P. Cheung, C.D. Young G. Bersuker, #co-first authorEI 收录

9. Impact of BTI on random logic circuit critical timing; 2014 12th IEEE International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT); 2014 Oct. 28-31Guilin, ChinaK. P. Cheung J. Lu, G. F. Jiao, C. Vaz,J.P. Campbell, J.T. Ryan EI 收录

10. Integration of solar cells on top of CMOS chips Part II: CIGS Solar cells; IEEE Transaction on Electron Device; 2011, volume 58, issue 8, pages 2620-2027
J. Lu, W. Liu, A. Y. Kovalgin, Y. Sun and J. Schmitz SCI 收录

11. Integration of solar cells on top of CMOS chips Part I: a-Si Solar cells; IEEE Transaction on Electron Device; 2011, volume 58, issue7, pages 2014-2021J. Lu, C. H. M. Van Der Werf, A. Y. Kovalgin, R. E. I. Schropp, and J. Schmitz SCI 收录

12. Above-CMOS a-Si and CIGS solar cells for powering autonomous microsystems; 2010 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting; 2010 Dec. 6-8San Francisco, CA, USAJ. Lu, W. Liu, C.H.M. van der Werf, A.Y. Kovalgin, Y. Sun, R.E.I. Schropp, J. SchmitzEI 收录,电子器件领域最好的两个国际会议之一

13. Materials Characterization of CIGS solar cells on Top of CMOS chips; 2011 MRS Spring Meeting; 2011 Apr. 25-29, San Francisco, CA,USA, 1325J. Lu, W. Liu, A. Y. Kovalgin, Y. Sun and J. SchmitzEI 收录

14. Lu, J., A. Y. Kovalgin and J. Schmitz (2009). Influence of passivation process on chip performance. 12th Annual Workshop on Semiconductor Advances for Future Electronics and Sensors, SAFE 2009, Technology Foundation (STW)

