
1. 基本情况







IEEE Senior Member;长沙市“四青”人才;湖南大学岳麓学者;东华软件学者。


团队拟依托全国重点实验室、教育部工程研究中心急聘 4-5名教授、副教授或助理教授;


Email:   xyang@hnu.edu.cn


2. 教育经历

2005-2009 本科,电气工程及其自动化,华中科技大学电气与电子工程学院;

2009-2010 硕士,模拟与数字集成电路,英国帝国理工学院电气与电子工程学院(导师:英国皇家工程院院士Eric M.Yeatman教授);

2010-2014 博士,电力电子,英国剑桥大学电子工程系(导师:Patrick R.Palmer教授);

2014-2015 博士后,电力电子,英国剑桥大学电子工程系(导师:Patrick R.Palmer教授);


3. 研究方向







4. 论文与专利情况(近三年)



[1]Yang, X., Zhang, Z., Xu, M. et al. Digital non-Foster-inspired electronics for broadband impedance matching. Nat Commun 15, 4346 (2024).(湖南大学电气学科历史上首次在Nature子刊发文)

[2]Yang X, Ye J, et al. Lifetime Prediction for Lift-off of Bond Wires in IGBTs Using Paris Law with Analytical Calculation of Crack Length[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2023.3292309.

[3]Yang X, Wang Y, Ding Y and Sun Y. Improved Parameterization Methodology for a Field-stop Trench-gate IGBT Physical Model by Switching Feature Partitioning [J]. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, doi: 10.1109/JESTPE.2023.3283510(in production).

[4]Yang X, Sun Y, Ding Y and Liu G. A Novel Lumped-Charge Model for Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Based on Dynamic Charge Control[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2023, 38(8): 9717-9730.

[5]Yang X, Wu X, Heng K and Liu G. A Computationally Efficient IGBT Lifetime Prediction Method Based on Successive Initiation Technique by Iteratively Using Clech Algorithm [J].IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2023, 11(3): 3468-3479.

[6]Heng K, Yang X, Wu X and Ye J. A 3-D Thermal Network Model for Monitoring of IGBT Modules [J]. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2023, 70(2): 653-661.

[7]Li W, Yang X, Xu M, et al. Investigation on Optimal Switching Oscillation Suppression for SiC MOSFET By Inductively Coupled Damping. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics [J], 2023, 11(1): 667-678.

[8]Ding Y, Yang X, Liu G. A Reliable Device Parameter Extraction Scheme for Physics-Based IGBT Models [J]. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2022, 69(10): 5689-5697.

[9] Xu M, Yang X, Li J. C-RC Snubber Optimization Design for Improving Switching Characteristics of SiC MOSFET [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2022, 37(10): 12005-12016.

[10]Heng K, Yang X, Wu X, et al. A Temperature-dependent Physical Thermal Network Model Including Thermal Boundary Conditions for SiC MOSFET Module[J]. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2022, 69(8): 4444-4452.

[11]Yang X, Li J, Ding Y, et al. Observation of Transient Parity-Time Symmetry in Electronic Systems[J]. Physical Review Letters, 2022, 128(6): 065701.(Editor’s suggestion;2022 ESI高被引)

[12]Ma G, Xu S, Jiang B, Cheng C, Yang X, et al. Real-time personalized health status prediction of lithium-ion batteries using deep transfer learning [J].Energy & Environmental Science, 2022,15,4083.

[13]Yang X, Wang Z, Ding Y, et al. Improved simulation modelling and its verification for SiC MOSFET[J]. IET Power Electronics, 2022, 15(8): 728-737.

[14]Yang X, Ding Y, Wang J, et al. An improved Fourier-series-based IGBT model by mitigating the effect of Gibbs phenomenon at turn on[J]. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2021, 68(7): 3453-3459.

[15]Zhao S, Yang X , Wu X, et al. Investigation on fatigue mechanism of solder layers in IGBT modules under high temperature gradients [J]. Microelectronics Reliability, 2023, 141: 114901.

[16]Wu X, Yang X, Dai X, et al. A physical lifetime prediction methodology for IGBT module by explicit emulation of solder layer degradation[J]. Microelectronics Reliability, 2021, 127: 114384.

[17]Dai X, Yang X, Wu X, et al. Analytical modeling of thermo-mechanical stress for bond wire of IGBT module[J]. Microelectronics Reliability, 2021, 127: 114401.

[18]Ding Y, Yang X, Liu G, et al. Physics-Based Trench-Gate Field-Stop IGBT Modeling With Optimization-Based Parameter Extraction for Device Parameters [J]. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2021, 68(12): 6305-6312.

[19]Yang X, Heng K, Dai X, et al. A Temperature-Dependent Cauer Model Simulation of IGBT Module With Analytical Thermal Impedance Characterization [J]. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2021, 10(3): 3055-3065.

[20]Yang X, Xu M, Li Q, et al. Analytical Method for RC Snubber Optimization Design to Eliminate Switching Oscillations of SiC MOSFET[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021, 37(4): 4672-4684.




[1]Chen Y, Yang X, Zhang Z, Li S and Chen Z. Multi-DOF Lumped-Parameter Modeling of High-Power Giant Magnetostrictive Transducer Coupled With Spatial Distribution of Magnetic Field [J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023, 23(13): 14264-14275.

[2]Wei Y, Yang X, Chen Y, et al. Modeling of High-Power Tonpilz Terfenol-D Transducer Using Complex Material Parameters[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(10): 3781.

[3]Chen Z, Yang X, Li S, et al. Dynamic modeling of stack giant magnetostrictive actuator with magnetic equivalent network considering eddy current effect[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2022, 131(22): 224503.

[4]Wei Y, Yang X, et al. Prediction of Magnetic Losses in Giant Magnetostrictive Materials Under Different Sinusoidal Excitation Magnetic Fields [J]. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2022, 58(11): 7300909.

[5]Yang M, Yang X, Wei Y, et al. SPICE Modeling of a High-Power Terfenol-D Transducer Considering Losses and Magnetic Flux Leakage [J]. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 2021, 69(2): 812-822.

[6]Zhang Z, Yang X, Chen Y. Research on equivalent thermal network modeling for rare-earth giant magnetostrictive transducer [J]. Scientific Reports, 2022, 12(1):18088.

[7]赵能桐, 杨鑫, 陈钰凯,罗安. 考虑超磁致伸缩材料非均匀性的大功率电声换能器阻抗特性[J]电工技术学报, 2021, 36(10):8.  


[9]李姝汛,杨鑫,陈泽坤,. 计及漏磁的堆栈式超磁致伸缩制动器多物理场耦合建模研究[J]. 电工技术学报,2023,38(9):2277-2288.

[10]韦艳飞,杨鑫,陈钰凯,. 计及损耗的超磁致伸缩材料参数提取及有限元仿真应用[J]. 电工技术学报,2022,37(7):1726-1734.



[1] 杨鑫,等.一种功率半导体器件封装结构:202310706981.0[P]. 2023-07-25.

[2] 杨鑫,等.利用负电感消除寄生电感的振荡抑制电路及方法:202310658846.3[P]. 2023-07-11.

[3] 杨鑫,等. 功率模块及其键合线材质确定方法: 202310652036.7 [P]. 2023-07-25.

[4] 杨鑫,等.集成振荡抑制电路的功率模块及方法: 202310405174.5 [P]. 2023-06-08.

[5] 杨鑫,等.一种 IGBT 物理模型参数获取方法及装置: 202310492913.9 [P]. 2023-06-20.

[6] 杨鑫,等. IGBT 设计参数全局优化方法及系统: 202310588502.X [P]. 2023-07-18.

[7] 杨鑫,等. 测量稀土超磁致伸缩材料磁致伸缩应变的系统及其方法:CN202210303765.7[P]. 2022-07-01.

[8] 杨鑫,. 一种电磁换能器:CN202110062271.X[P]. 2021-06-04.

[9] 杨鑫,. 一种大伸缩量的稀土超磁致伸缩材料及其制备方法:CN202110270587.8[P]. 2021-06-29.

[10] 杨鑫,. 一种基于气体弹簧的电磁式水声换能器及控制方法:CN202010807014.X[P]. 2020-10-27.



2023年至今 《现代应用物理》执行编委;

2019年至今 中国电机工程学会湖南大学会员中心主任、《电力系统保护与控制》期刊青年委员;

2017年至2020 IET Power Electronics 副主编;

长期担任IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Industrial ElectronicsIEEE Transactions on Industry ApplicationsIEEE Transactions on Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification等知名期刊审稿人。







2024年,团队成员徐思维、张越、赵诗涵、王岳松获研究生国家奖学金; 团队成员李嘉文和丁毅飞获“湖南省优秀硕士论文”。







8. 部分相关报道:







4.怀着一颗爱国心 杨鑫想造中国“芯”|科学之恋·湖湘青年科技工作者群像——红网(2022年)


5.海归博士后:以中国心攻坚“中国芯” ——《潇湘晨报》(2022年)
