


2017年获上海交通大学密西根学院控制科学与工程哲学博士学位,博士毕业后,任职于美国田纳西大学“超广域弹性输电网研究中心”(20172023),上级主管为美国工程院院士Yilu Liu 教授。2023年加入湖南大学电气与信息工程学院。主持研制的新一代广域电网态势感知平台GridEye2022年度2R&D 100 Award2022年全球100项最具创新性的技术)。


邮箱 heyin@hnu.edu.cn 





1. 国家级青年人才项目,200

2. 中央高校基本研究业务经费,200

3. 基于无人机快速视觉数字化场地重现与应用技术开发,50万

3. 美国能源部 Open Energy Data Initiative项目,Solar Grid Integration Data and Analytics Library (NREL, ORNL, PNNL, ANL) 2021-11 2024-11, UTK共同主持

4. 美国能源部 Sapphire Energy项目,Stability-Augmented Optimal Control of Hybrid PV Plants with Very High Penetration of Inverter-based Resources, 2021-05 2024-05 UTK共同主持

5. 美国自然科学基金Major Research Instrumentation Program项目, Development of Pulsar-based Power-Grid Timing Instrumentation and Technology 2019-09 2024-09 共同主持

6. 美国能源部 Technology Commercialization Fund项目, Development of a Low-Cost and Hardware- Friendly Instantaneous Waveform Measurement Technology for Distribution System2021-10 2024-10UTK共同主持

7. 美国自然科学基金Cyber-Physical Systems项目,Data-driven Real-time Data Authentication in Wide-Area Energy Infrastructure Sensor Networks 2019-09 2024-09,共同主持




  1. 课题组需要每天按时“考勤”吗?我们从不考勤。研究生应该能够自己安排好时间,自主的学习。我们课题组给予学生宽松自由的学习氛围。请珍惜好这三年“自由”的时光,为你今后的发展打下坚实基础。

  1. 和导师见面的频率。正常情况下,课题组每1到2周都会开组会,进行交流。组会最大的目的是了解学生学习的进展、面临的问题及制定下一步的计划,给学生提供帮助,同时也是一种积极督促。当然,如果有需要,也欢迎和我约时间单独交流。我只要没有出差,都能很快安排。这也是我的责任

  1. 硕士的毕业条件是什么?完成学院和学校的基本要求之外,课题组没有硬性的毕业要求。但是,合格的毕业生要做到会做、会写、会说。即能够独立完成科研项目,解决碰到的问题,能够用科学的语言写规范的学术论文,能够清晰的展示自己的研究成果。可参考姚老师在湖南大学2022级新生的入学《读研与自我提升》中的讲座,链接见文末

  1. 硕士期间需要发表小论文才能毕业吗?正如上一个问题。发表小论文和能否正常毕业无直接关系。但是,我们很希望研究生把自己好的成果通过论文发表出来。学会写论文也是研究生需要掌握的基本能力。

  1. 对论文的要求。写论文是很严肃的事情,我对论文的要求很严格。但我相信,只有态度端正,勤奋刻苦,每位同学都能写出优秀的论文。我也会亲自给同学修改论文,把关论文的质量。

  1. 课题组研究方向。实验室的研究方向很多,包括电力系统、传感器、测量与控制,涉及硬件、软件、电气、信息、信号处理、无人机、人工智能等方向,我会根据学生的兴趣和课题组当前承担的科研项目,为学生制定研究计划。

  1. 是否有补助?实验室的每位学生都会有基本的生活补助。对于表现优异的学生,会有额外的奖励。

  1. 实验室氛围。实验室的氛围非常和谐。我既是大家的老师,也是大家的朋友。实验室也会定期组织一些课余活动,丰富大家的课余生活。我强烈建议同学们有自己的健康兴趣爱好,特别是热爱体育锻炼,有健康的身心,不要读“死书”。快乐学习、快乐生活!!!

  1. 国际交流。鼓励学生积极参与国际/国内高水平水平会议,多与同行交流,提升自身能力。也鼓励学生出国留学。实验室也具有较好的对外资源(美国、德国、澳大利亚)。如果有出国留学的计划,我会积极给大家推荐优秀导师。世界这么大,年轻的时候多去看看。

  1. 对未来学生的期待。如果你是一名有理想、有追求、渴望进步的优秀学生,可考虑加入我们,让我们相约在美丽的岳麓山下和湘江边,共同进步。师生是一种奇妙的缘分,我珍惜这种缘分,也希望能成为你成长道路上的引路人。










1. Yin, He, Qiu, Wei*, Wu, Yuru, You, Shutang, Tan, Jin, Hoke, Andy, Kruse, Cameron J., Rockwell, Brad W., and Liu, Yilu. "Field Measurement and Analysis of Frequency and RoCoF for Low-Inertia Power Systems." IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2023.

2. Yin, He, Qiu, Wei*, Wu, Yuru, You, Shutang, Dong, Yuqing, Yu, Wenpeng, and Liu, Yilu. "Real-Time Detection and Localization of Line Trip Event Via Relative Phase Angles." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2023

3. Qiu, Wei, Yadav, Ajay, You, Shutang, Dong, Jin, Kuruganti, Teja, Liu, Yilu, and Yin, He*. "Neural Networks-based Inverter Control: Modeling and Adaptive Optimization for Smart Distribution Networks." IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2023.

4. Yin, He, Zhao, Chen, Ma, Chengbin* ; Decentralized real-time energy management for a reconfigurable multiple-source energy system, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2018, 14(9): 4128-4137

5. Yin, He, Yu, Wenpeng, Yao, Wenxuan*, Wang, Weikang, Qiu, Wei, Liu, Yilu ; Alignment Method for Synchronized Phase Angle Measurement With Presence of Practical Time Shift, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2021, 36(4): 2234-2237

6. Yao, Wenxuan; Zhan, Lingwei; Rooke, Sterling; Vizas, Christopher; Kaybulkin, Victor; King, Thomas J; Xiao, Bailu; Li, Zhi; Liu, Yilu; Yin, He* ; Intensity Modulated Fiber Optic Sensor: A Novel Grid Measurement Unit, IEEE transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022, 1(1): 1-10

7. Qiu, Wei, Yin, He*, Zhang, Liang, Luo, Xiqian, Yao, Wenxuan, Zhu, Lin, Liu, Yilu ; Pulsar calibrated Timing Source for Synchronized Sampling, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021, 13(2):1654-1657

8. Qiu, Wei, Yin, He*, Zhang, Liang, Luo, Xiqian, Wu, Yuru, Sun, Kaiqi, Yao, Wenxuan, You, Shutang, Liu, Yilu ; Analog Front-end: Circuit of Pulsar-based Timing Synchronization for WAMS, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2022, 58(2): 1622-1631

9. Qiu, Wei, Zhang, Liang*, Yin He*, Markel, Lawrence C., Liao, Dahan, McConnell, Ben W., and Liu, Yilu. "Modeling, testing, and mitigation of electromagnetic pulse on PV systems." Solar Energy 2023, 264: 112010.

10. Yin, He, Zhou, Wenhao,  Li, Mian*, Ma, Chengbin,  Zhao, Chen ; An adaptive fuzzy logic-based energy management strategy on battery/ultracapacitor hybrid electric vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2016, 2(3): 300-311

11.Yin, He, Zhao, Chen, Li, Mian, Ma, Chengbin*, Chow, Mo-Yuen ; A game theory approach to energy management of an engine--generator/battery/ultracapacitor hybrid energy system, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2016, 63(7): 4266-4277

12. Yin, He, Fu, Minfan, Liu, Ming, Song, Jibin, Ma, Chengbin* ; Autonomous power control in a reconfigurable 6.78-MHz multiple-receiver wireless charging system, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017, 65(8): 6177-6187

13. Yin, He, Zhao, Chen, Li, Mian, Ma, Chengbin* ; Utility function-based real-time control of a battery ultracapacitor hybrid energy system, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2014, 11(1): 220-231

14. Wu, Yuru*, Yin, He*, Qiu, Wei*, Liu, Yilu, Gao, Shengyou ; Optimal PMU design based on sampling model and sensitivity analysis, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2023, 148

15. Yin, He*, Wu, Yuru*, Qiu, Wei*, Zeng, Chujie, You, Shutang, Tan, Jin, Hoke, Andy, Kruse, Cameron J., Rockwell, Brad W., Kawamura, Kelcie Ann, Liu, Yilu ; Precise ROCOF estimation algorithm for low inertia power grids, Electric Power Systems Research, 2022, 209: 107968

16. Yin, He, Yao, Wenxuan*, Zhan, Lingwei, Yu, Wenpeng, Zhao, Jiecheng, Liu, Yilu ; Low cost, flexible, and distribution level universal grid analyser platform: designs and implementations, IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, 2020, 14(19): 3945-3953

17. Yin, He, Alsabbagh, Amro, Ma, Chengbin* ; A decentralized power dispatch strategy in an electric vehicle charging station, IET Electrical Systems in Transportation, 2021, 11(1): 25- 34



1. Zhao, Jiecheng; Liu, Yilu; Liu, Yong; Fuhr, Peter Louis; King, Tom; Yin, He; Zhan, Lingwei; Morales-Rodriguez, Marissa; Yao, Wenxuan ; Pulsar based timing synchronization method and system, 2022-12-27, US11537086B2

2. Wang, Fei; Li, Dingrui; Liu, Yilu; Ma, Yiwei; Ray, Ishita; Tolbert, Leon M.; Yin, He; Zhu, Lin ; Methods, systems, and computer readable media for protecting and controlling a microgrid with a dynamic boundary, 2020-11-29, US11515702B2

3. Zhan, Lingwei; King JR., Thomas; Li, Fuhua; Liu, Yilu; Yao, Wenxuan; Yin, He; Xiao, Bailu; Fault-tolerant grid frequency measurement algorithm during transients, 2024-1-30, US11882889B2