


李文卿,男,湖南大学电气与信息工程学院教授、博士生导师,国家高层次青年人才,岳麓学者。 2010年本科毕业于湖南大学电气与信息工程学院,2018年博士毕业于浙江大学控制学院,师从孙优贤教授(院士)与赵春晖教授。随后加入纽约大学电子与工程学院担任博士后研究员,2025年起加入湖南大学电气与信息工程学院。研究主要围绕复杂工业制造系统的智能状态感知、预测运维和工业人工智能安全性开展。先后参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目以及美国自然科学基金项目。在国际顶级期刊和重要学术会议上发表论文20余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者身份在IEEE Transactions系列及自动化领域顶级期刊发表SCI论文10余篇,授权中国发明专利多项。现担任IET Electronics Letters客座编辑、SN Computer Science副主编,担任IEEE TIETIITIFSTNNLS以及JPCCEP等期刊审稿专家。学习及工作经历








(1) W. Li, C. Zhao, F. Gao, Linearity evaluation and variable subset partition based hierarchical process modeling and monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018, 65(3), 2683-2692. ESI高被引论文

(2) W. Li, C. Yang, S.E. Jabari, Nonlinear traffic prediction as a matrix completion problem with ensemble learning, Transportation Science, 2022, 56(1), 52-78.

(3) W. Li, Y. Wang, A Robust Supervised Subspace Learning Approach for Output-relevant Prediction and Detection against Outliers, Journal of Process Control, 2021, 106, 184-194.

(4) W. Li, C. Zhao, Hybrid fault characteristics decomposition based probabilistic distributed fault diagnosis for large-scale industrial processes, Control Engineering Practice, 2019, 84, 377-388.

(5) Y. Wang, W. Li (共一), E. Sarkar, SE Jabari, M Shafique, M ManiatakosA Subspace Projective Clustering Approach for Backdoor Attack Detection and Mitigation in Deep Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence2024.

(6) W. Li, C. Zhao, B. Huang, Distributed dynamic modeling and monitoring for large-scale industrial processes under closed-loop control. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57(46), 15759-15772.

(7) W. Li, C. Zhao, F. Gao, Sequential time slice alignment based unequal-length phase identification and modeling for fault detection of irregular batches, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54(41), 10020-10030.

(8) Y. Wang, W. Li (共一), M. Alam, M., Maniatakos and S.E. Jabari, Backdozer: A Backdoor Detection Methodology for DRL-based Traffic Controllers. ACM Journal on Autonomous Transportation Systems, 2023.

(9) W. Li, C. Zhao, F. Gao, Latent variable based concurrent multitrends analysis method for monitoring batch processes with irregular and limited batches, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2017, 95(9), 1817-1829

(10) Y. Wang, E. Sarkar, W. Li, M Maniatakos, SE JabariStop-and-go: Exploring backdoor attacks on deep reinforcement learning-based traffic congestion control systems, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 2022, 16,4772-4787.

(11) W.  Li, Y. Wang, S.E. Jabari, Fault isolation based on online sparse optimization of streaming faulty data, IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control, 2019Nice, France.

(12) W. Li, T. Huang, Nikolaos Freries, L. Xie, P.R. Kumar (IEEEACMIFAC Fellow), Data-driven Localization of Forced Oscillations in Power Systems, ISGT 2019 ASIA, Chengdu, China.

(13) W. Li, C. Yang, S.E. Jabari, Short-term traffic forecasting using high-resolution traffic data, IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2020, Rhodes, Greece.

(14) C. Zhao, W. Li, Y. Sun, A sub-principal component of fault detection (PCFD) modeling method and its application to online fault diagnosis. 2013 9th IEEE Asian Control Conference (ASCC), 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.

(15) W. Li, Y. Wang, M. Shafique, and S.E. Jabari, Physical Backdoor Trigger Activation of Autonomous Vehicle using Reachability Analysis. In 2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2023, Singapore.








