帅智康,男,中共党员,汉族,现为湖南大学电气与信息工程学院教授、博士生导师,担任电气与信息工程学院院长,电能高效高质转化全国重点实验室核心骨干,电力应急技术湖南省工程研究中心、湖南大学空天科学与应用联合研究中心主任,IEEE高级会员,IET Energy Systems Integration、CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems、Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering、电源学报、电力系统保护与控制等期刊编委。
2020.03-至今 湖南大学电气与信息工程学院 院 长
2018.11-2020.03 湖南大学研究生院培养办 主 任
2016.12-2018.11 湖南大学电气与信息工程学院 副院长
2016.01-2016.12 湖南大学电气与信息工程学院 院长助理
2015.01-2015.12 湖南大学电气与信息工程学院电气工程系 系主任
2014.05-至今 湖南大学电气与信息工程学院电气工程系 教 授
2013.12-2014.11 美国伊利诺伊理工大学 博士后
2012.08-2014.04 湖南大学电气与信息工程学院电气工程系 副教授
2009.09-2012.07 湖南大学电气与信息工程学院电气工程系 助理教授
2005.09-2011.06 湖南大学 电气工程 博 士
2001.09-2005.07 湖南大学 电气工程 学 士
[1] 国家重点研发计划课题,《采用嵌入式级人工智能的风光变流器故障自主预警技术》,在研
[2] 国家杰出青年科学基金,《大功率电能变换与控制理论及应用技术》,在研
[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,《孤岛微电网的电压和频率优化控制方法研究》,结题
[4] 国家重点研发计划任务,《多电力电子变压器条件下车网耦合机理及稳定性控制策略研究》,结题
[5] 国家优秀青年科学基金,《电能质量先进控制技术》,结题
[6] 湖南电网科技项目,《台风暴雨诱发新能源配电系统灾害演化机理及治理措施研究》,在研
[7] 南方电网科技项目,《配电网电能质量分层感知与治理资源协同控制技术研究与验证》,在研
[8] 广西电网科技项目,《县域级新型配电系统灾变推演和风险防控软件模块研发》,在研
[9] 福建电网科技项目,《高比例新能源微电网故障自愈与分层协同控制技术研究》,在研
[10] 广西工业设计集团重点项目,《露天非煤矿山安全作业风险在线预警关键技术与系统研究》,在研
[1] 2018年国家科学技术进步创新团队奖(第4完成人)
[2] 2010年国家科学技术进步奖二等奖(第3完成人)
[3] 2020年中国机械工业技术发明一等奖(第1完成人)
[4] 2019年广西技术发明一等奖(第4完成人)
[5] 2013年湖南省技术发明一等奖(第2完成人)
[1] Z. Shuai *, Transient Characteristics, Modelling and Stability Analysis of Microgrid, Springer, 2021.
[1] Y. Shen, Y. Peng*, Z. Shuai, Q. Zhou, L. Zhu, et al., "Hierarchical Time-Series Assessment and Control for Transient Stability Enhancement in Islanded Microgrids," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 3362-3374, Sept. 2023.
[2] W. Wang, Z. Shuai*, H. Duan and Z. J. Shen, "A Single-Drive SiC-JFET-SCM for Solid State Circuit Breaker in MVDC Distribution Networks," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 70, no. 11, pp. 11121-11131, Nov. 2023.
[3] Y. Li, X. Wu, Z. Shuai*, Q. Zhou, H. Chen and Z. J. Shen, "A Systematic Stability Enhancement Method for Microgrids With Unknown-Parameter Inverters," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 3029-3043, March 2023.
[4] J. Li, Z. Hai, Z. Shuai, L. Zhu*, et al., "Coordinated Current and Voltage Unbalance Mitigation in Networked Microgrids With Aggregated PV Systems," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 968-971, Jan. 2023.
[5] Y. Peng, Z. Shuai*, C. Shen, X. Hou and Z. J. Shen, "Transient Stabilization Control of Electric Synchronous Machine for Preventing the Collapse of DC-Link Voltage," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 82-93, Jan. 2023.
[6] L. He, Y. Li*, X. Chu, Z. Shuai, Y. Peng and Z. J. Shen, "Single-Phase to Ground Fault Line Identification for Medium Voltage Islanded Microgrids With Neutral Ineffectively Grounded Modes," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 4312-4326, Nov. 2022.
[7] Y. Peng, Z. Shuai*, L. Che, M. Lyu and Z. J. Shen, "Dynamic Stability Improvement and Accurate Power Regulation of Single-Phase Virtual Oscillator Based Microgrids," IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 277-289, Jan. 2022.
[8] F. Zhao, Z. Shuai*, W. Huang, Y. Shen, Z. J. Shen and C. Shen, "A Unified Model of Voltage-Controlled Inverter for Transient Angle Stability Analysis," in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 2275-2288, June 2022.
[9] W. Huang, Z. Shuai*, X. Shen, Y. Li and Z. J. Shen, "Dynamical Reconfigurable Master–Slave Control Architecture (DRMSCA) for Voltage Regulation in Islanded Microgrids," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 249-263, Jan. 2022.
[10] X. Shen, Z. Shuai*, W. Huang, Y. Chen and J. Shen, "Power Management for Islanded Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid With Low-bandwidth Communication," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 2646-2658, Dec. 2021.
[11] J. Ge, Z. Shuai*, C. Tu, A. Luo and Z. J. Shen, "Flexible Control Strategy for Enhancing Power Injection Capability of Three-Phase Four-Wire Inverter During Asymmetrical Grid Faults," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 9592-9608, Aug. 2021.
[12] L. He, Z. Shuai, X. Chu*, W. Huang, Y. Feng and Z. J. Shen, "Waveform Difference Feature-Based Protection Scheme for Islanded Microgrids," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 1939-1952, May 2021.
[13] Y. Li, Z. Shuai*, J. Fang, X. Wu and Z. J. Shen, "Small-Signal Stability Analysis Method for Hybrid AC–DC Systems With Multiple DC Buses," IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 17-27, March 2021.
[14] C. Shen, Z. Shuai*, Y. Shen, Y. Peng, et al., "Transient Stability and Current Injection Design of Paralleled Current-Controlled VSCs and Virtual Synchronous Generators," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 1118-1134, March 2021.
[15] Y. Li, Z. Shuai*, X. Liu, Y. Chen ,Z. Li, et al, "Stability Analysis and Location Optimization Method for Multiconverter Power Systems Based on Nodal Admittance Matrix," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 529-538, Feb. 2021.
[16] Y. Li, Z. Shuai*, X. Liu, Y. Hong, X. Wu and Z. J. Shen, "Stability Investigation of Bidirectional AC-DC Converter Considering Operating Conditions," IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 131499-131510, 2020.
[17] H. Cheng, Z. Shuai*, C. Shen, X. Liu, Z. Li and Z. J. Shen, "Transient Angle Stability of Paralleled Synchronous and Virtual Synchronous Generators in Islanded Microgrids," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 8, pp. 8751-8765, Aug. 2020.
[18] J. Zhao, W. Wu*, Z. Shuai, A. Luo, H. S. -h. Chung and F. Blaabjerg, "Robust Control Parameters Design of PBC Controller for LCL-Filtered Grid-Tied Inverter," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 8, pp. 8102-8115, Aug. 2020.
[19] Y. Peng, Z. Shuai*, J. M. Guerrero, Y. Li, A. Luo and Z. J. Shen, "Performance Improvement of the Unbalanced Voltage Compensation in Islanded Microgrid Based on Small-Signal Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 5531-5542, July 2020.
[20] L. Zhou, Shuai, Z. Shuai*, Y. Chen, W. Wu, et al, "Impedance-Based Harmonic Current Suppression Method for VSG Connected to Distorted Grid," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 5490-5502, July 2020.
[21] Z. Shuai*, W. Huang, Z. J. Shen, A. Luo and Z. Tian, "Active Power Oscillation and Suppression Techniques Between Two Parallel Synchronverters During Load Fluctuations," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 4127-4142, April 2020.
[22] Shen, D. Tan, Z. Shuai and A. Luo, "Control Techniques for Bidirectional Interlinking Converters in Hybrid Microgrids: Leveraging the advantages of both ac and dc," IEEE Power Electronics Magazine, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 39-47, Sept. 2019.
[23] J. Fang, Z. Shuai*, X. Zhang, X. Shen and Z. J. Shen, "Secondary Power Sharing Regulation Strategy for a DC Microgrid via Maximum Loading Factor," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no. 12, pp. 11856-11867, Dec. 2019.
[24] Z. Shuai*, Y. Peng, X. Liu, Z. Li, J. M. Guerrero and Z. J. Shen, "Parameter Stability Region Analysis of Islanded Microgrid Based on Bifurcation Theory," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 6580-6591, Nov. 2019.
[25] D. He, Z. Shuai*, Z. Lei, W. Wang, X. Yang and Z. J. Shen, "A SiC JFET-Based Solid State Circuit Breaker With Digitally Controlled Current-Time Profiles," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 1556-1565, Sept. 2019.
[26] L. He, Z. Shuai*, X. Zhang, X. Liu, Z. Li and Z. J. Shen, "Transient Characteristics of Synchronverters Subjected to Asymmetric Faults," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 1171-1183, June 2019.
[27] Y. Hong, Z. Shuai*, H. Cheng, C. Tu, Y. Li and Z. J. Shen, "Stability Analysis of Low-Frequency Oscillation in Train-Network System Using RLC Circuit Model," IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 502-514, June 2019.
[28] Z. Shuai, H. Cheng, J. Xu*, C. Shen, Y. Hong and Y. Li, "A Notch Filter-Based Active Damping Control Method for Low-Frequency Oscillation Suppression in Train–Network Interaction Systems," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 2417-2427, Dec. 2019.
[29] L. Che, X. Liu*, Z. Shuai and J. Zhao, "The Impact of Ramp-Induced Data Attacks on Power System Operational Security," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 5064-5075, Sept. 2019.
[30] Z. He, P. Guo, Z. Shuai*, Q. Xu, A. Luo and J. M. Guerrero, "Modulated Model Predictive Control for Modular Multilevel AC/AC Converter," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no. 10, pp. 10359-10372, Oct. 2019.
[31] Z. Shuai*, M. Xiao, J. Ge and Z. J. Shen, "Overcurrent and its Restraining Method of PQ-Controlled Three-Phase Four-Wire Converter Under Asymmetrical Grid Fault," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 2057-2069, Sept. 2019.
[32] Z. Shuai*, Y. Li, W. Wu, C. Tu, A. Luo and Z. J. Shen, "Divided DQ Small-Signal Model: A New Perspective for the Stability Analysis of Three-Phase Grid-Tied Inverters," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 66, no. 8, pp. 6493-6504, Aug. 2019.
[33] Z. Shuai*, C. Shen, X. Liu, Z. Li and Z. J. Shen, "Transient Angle Stability of Virtual Synchronous Generators Using Lyapunov’s Direct Method," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 4648-4661, July 2019.
[34] Z. Zhang, W. Wu, Z. Shuai, X. Wang, et al, "Principle and Robust Impedance-Based Design of Grid-tied Inverter with LLCL-Filter under Wide Variation of Grid-Reactance," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 4362-4374, May 2019.
[35] Z. Shuai*, Y. Peng, J. M. Guerrero, Y. Li and Z. J. Shen, "Transient Response Analysis of Inverter-Based Microgrids Under Unbalanced Conditions Using a Dynamic Phasor Model," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 2868-2879, April 2019.
[36] Z. Shuai, J. Zhang, L. Tang, Z. Teng and H. Wen*, "Frequency Shifting and Filtering Algorithm for Power System Harmonic Estimation," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 1554-1565, March 2019.
[37] Z. Shuai*, Y. Peng, X. Liu, Z. Li, J. M. Guerrero and Z. J. Shen, "Dynamic Equivalent Modeling for Multi-Microgrid Based on Structure Preservation Method," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 3929-3942, July 2019.
[38] Z. Shuai*, W. Huang, X. Shen, Y. Li, X. Zhang and Z. J. Shen, "A Maximum Power Loading Factor (MPLF) Control Strategy for Distributed Secondary Frequency Regulation of Islanded Microgrid," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 2275-2291, March 2019.
[39] J. Huang, X. Zhang*, Z. Shuai, X. Zhang, et al, "Robust Circuit Parameters Design for the CLLC-Type DC Transformer in the Hybrid AC–DC Microgrid," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 66, no. 3, pp. 1906-1918, March 2019.
[40] Z. Shuai*, D. He, Z. Xiong, Z. Lei and Z. John Shen, "Comparative Study of Short-Circuit Fault Characteristics for VSC-Based DC Distribution Networks With Different Distributed Generators," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 528-540, March 2019.
[41] 周全, 周柯, 金庆忍, 帅智康*. 卫星互联网赋能新型电力系统创新应用[J]. 电力系统自动化,1-20.
[42] 王伟,帅智康*,李杨等.基于固态断路器主动注入式直流故障测距方法[J/OL].电工技术学报,1-12.
[43] 赵慧敏,帅智康*,沈阳等.基于深度学习的多虚拟同步机微电网在线暂态稳定评估方法[J].电力系统自动化,2022,46(09):109-117.
[44] 沈霞,帅智康*,沈超等.大扰动时交流微电网的运行与控制研究综述[J].电力系统自动化,2021,45(24):174-188.
[45] 沈超,帅智康*,程慧婕.虚拟同步机并联电流控制型变换器系统暂态同步稳定性分析[J].电力系统自动化,2021,45(10):115-123.
[46] 彭也伦,黄文,帅智康*.含异构微源孤岛微电网的瞬时有功功率分配问题研究[J].中国电机工程学报,2021,41(15):5167-5179.
[47] 李杨,帅智康*,方俊彬等.基于阻抗测量的多逆变器系统稳定性校验方法[J].电力系统自动化,2021,45(11):95-101.
[48] 程慧婕,帅智康*,彭也伦等.含异步机负荷的虚拟同步机并联系统暂态电压稳定性分析及其提升措施研究[J].中国电机工程学报,2021,41(14):4787-4798.
[49] 李杨,帅智康*,方俊彬等.灵敏度在变换器系统阻抗稳定性分析中的应用[J].中国电机工程学报,2021,41(10):3480-3491+3673.
[50] 赵峰,帅智康,彭也伦等.含电流限幅器的逆变器暂态稳定性评估方法[J].中国电机工程学报,2021,41(06):2245-2255.
[1] R. Zhang, Z. Shuai and Y. Shen, "Data-Mechanism Joint Driven Short-term Voltage Stability Assessment for Islanded Microgrid,"2023 26th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Zhuhai, China, 2023, pp. 4147-4152.
[2] Z. Ma, Z. Shuai, Y. Li, J. Xu and F. Wang, "Design and practice of training plan with blended learning courses for improvement of innovation ability in major of electronic engineering," 2022 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Uppsala, Sweden, 2022, pp. 1-5.
[3] H. Cheng, Z. Shuai, Y. Peng, W. Huang and Z. J. Shen, "Coupled Problem of Transient Voltage/Angle Stability in Paralleled Synchronous and Virtual Synchronous Generators with Dynamic Loads," 2022 IEEE 5th International Electrical and Energy Conference (CIEEC), Nangjing, China, 2022, pp. 2303-2308.
[4] Y. Shen, Z. Shuai, C. Shen, X. Shen and J. Ge, "Transient Angle Stability Prediction of Virtual Synchronous Generator Using LSTM Neural Network," 2021 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2021, pp. 3383-3387.
[5] X. Wan and Z. Shuai, "Coordinated Control for Power Balance Based on Per-Unit Voltage for Multivoltage-Level DC Microgrid," 2020 IEEE 4th Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2), Wuhan, China, 2020, pp. 3755-3760.
[6] Y. Feng, Z. Shuai, J. Ge, H. Zhao and Z. J. Shen, "Power Oscillation Control of Grid-Feeding Converter Considering Next Generation Grid Code During Asymmetrical Faults," 2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Detroit, MI, USA, 2020, pp. 4731-4735
[7] H. Zhao, Z. Shuai, J. Ge, Y. Feng and J. Shen, "Asymmetrical Fault Current Calculation Method and Coupling Effect Analysis in N-Paralleled Droop-Controlled Inverters," 2020 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), New Orleans, LA, USA, 2020, pp. 1001-1005.
[8] Y. Hong, Z. Shuai, X. Wang and J. Xie, "Modeling and Analysis of Low-Frequency Oscillation in PETT-based Train-network System," 2020 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), New Orleans, LA, USA, 2020, pp. 3513-3519.
[9] F. Zhao, Z. Shuai, C. Shen, H. Cheng, Y. Shen and Y. Peng, "Comparison of Transient Angle Stability Between Virtual Synchronous Generator and Droop-controlled Inverter," 2020 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), New Orleans, LA, USA, 2020, pp. 2308-2312.
[10] X. Yang, Z. Shuai, D. He and W. Wang, "Short-Circuit Fault Analysis of Energy Storage System Converter with Different Control in DC Microgrid," 2019 IEEE 3rd Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2), Changsha, China, 2019, pp. 2534-2539.
[1] 帅智康,王泉洁,王伟等.一种LLC变换器输出侧DC-link电容在线监测系统与方法[P].湖南省:CN116879636B,2023-12-08.
[2] 帅智康,王伟,雷芷琪等.基于SiC JFET的串联型直流保护开关[P].湖南省:CN110061726B,2023-10-10.
[3] 帅智康,王伟,王泉洁等.一种全桥LLC谐振变换器开关管开路故障检测方法与电路[P].湖南省:CN116593938B,2023-09-26.
[4] 李杨,帅智康,黄文等.月球基地储能供电系统及其控制方法[P].湖南省:CN116317327B,2023-08-01.
[5] 帅智康,沈阳,黄文等.基于长短期记忆网络的微电网暂态稳定评估方法[P].湖南省:CN113937762B,2023-06-27.
[6] 李杨,帅智康,黄文等.一种基于阻抗测量的逆变器电网稳定性校验方法[P].湖南省:CN112510757B,2023-06-16.
[7] 朱利鹏,帅智康,李佳勇等.一种基于时空信息同步学习的电网暂态电压稳定评估方法[P].湖南省:CN115935264B,2023-05-12.
[8] 帅智康,沈霞,葛俊等.基于统一协调因子的交直流混合微电网二次控制方法[P].湖南省:CN110401196B,2022-11-29.
[9] 沈霞,帅智康,黄文等.基于动态可重构的孤岛微电网的协同故障穿越控制方法[P].湖南省:CN114447928B,2022-09-30.
[10] 帅智康,洪祎,谢靖言等.车网耦合系统低频振荡建模系统及分析方法[P].湖南省:CN110890759B,2022-06-14.
[11] 黄文,帅智康,沈霞等.动态主从控制系统及用其进行孤岛微电网二次控制的方法[P].湖南省:CN113224789B,2022-06-14.
[12] 帅智康,程慧婕,沈霞等.微电网暂态电压稳定性调控系统及调控方法[P].湖南省:CN112510696B,2022-05-31.
[13] 帅智康,何梨梨,褚旭等.中性点非有效接地中压微电网的单相接地故障线路判别方法[P].湖南省:CN113589106B,2022-05-31.
[14] 帅智康,赵慧敏,沈阳等.基于人工神经网络的VSG多机系统暂态稳定评估方法[P].湖南省:CN113792481B,2022-05-31.
[15] 葛俊,帅智康,涂春鸣等.含三相四线制逆变器的微电网故障电压优化支撑方法[P].湖南省:CN112994104B,2022-05-17.
[16] 帅智康,吴向阳,方俊彬等.一种基于阻抗分解的直流变换器并联系统稳定性判据方法[P].湖南省:CN113054640B,2022-04-22.
[17] 赵峰,帅智康,赵慧敏等.一种考虑模式切换的孤岛微电网暂态稳定性提升方法[P].湖南省:CN113437761B,2022-04-15.
[18] 帅智康,何梨梨,褚旭等.基于相位极性特征的微电网主动注入式单端保护方法[P].湖南省:CN112803478B,2021-10-29.
[19] 帅智康,沈霞,沈超等.一种具备自适应限流功能的中间变流器及其控制方法[P].湖南省:CN113054863B,2021-09-14.
[20] 帅智康,赵峰,彭也伦等.一种含有电流限幅器的下垂逆变器能量函数构造的方法[P].湖南省:CN112332686B,2021-08-27.
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